Page mise à jour le 13 mars 2023


1. AMVF Presentation: our aims, how do we operate
2. Our Diseases
3. Medical Research
4. Glossary
5. The AMVF links
6. Help us, Make a donation


1. AMVF Presentation: our aims, how do we operate

Patients and close relatives confronted with these diseases decided to meet and created an association in October 2005.

Our aims are to:

- Improve the knowledge of these diseases with doctors, patients, general public, and authorities.
- Link patients with each other so that they do not feel isolated, provide them with information and to support them.
- Promote medical research to fight liver vessels diseases, and support the creation of Reference Center for these diseases.
- Make sure that all expenses related to specific liver vessel diseases are covered.
- Reinforce the links between patients and the medical profession to ensure better assistance.

How does the AMVF operate ?

An Annual General Meeting sets guidance, budget and statutes and members of the Board are elected.
A board with at least two meetings a year will initiate the steps and resources needed to meet our objectives.

See the board members

A Scientific advisory Board is also assisting us in validating all our scientific information and in giving guidance for an efficient way of using Medical Research donations.

See members of the Scientific advisory Board

Page précédente : COVID